Incarner les bonnes relations


Ce nuage de mots est basé sur les réactions à l'idée d'"incarner des relations justes" par les membres de Righting Relations Canada. Ces réponses ont été recueillies lors d'un exercice de théâtre d'images.

A word cloud on a black background. A blue heading bar with white text at the top of the image reads “Embodying Right Relations”. Beneath, different colours of italicised text read “arms wide open”, “authenticity”, “eyes wide open”, “open to multiple truths, suspending judgements”, “to be meditative”, “honesty”, “respect”, “self-knowledge”, “unity building”, “rectitude”, “aware”, “curiosity”, “to seek to understand”, “create welcoming space for all”, “interconnected”, and “acknowledgement of relations not being right”. In the bottom right corner is the Righting Relations logo.