Two Black women are seated at a table, with a piece of flip-chart paper in front of them, both looking off-camera to the left. The woman on the right looks like she’s speaking; she’s wearing a blue denim jacket, yellow earrings, and her hair is pulled back. She’s gesturing as she speaks. The woman on the right is writing on the flip-chart paper; she’s wearing a grey cardigan over a yellow top. Her short red hair is swept to the side and she is wearing glasses.


Vous souhaitez rejoindre Righting Relations ? Les membres potentiels peuvent commencer par s'inscrire sur notre liste de diffusion nationale, assister à des événements et se connecter avec le Hub ou le Cercle le plus proche.

Nos centres régionaux

L'ensemble du travail de Righting Relations est mené par nos membres par le biais de nos centres régionaux autonomes et de leurs cercles locaux. Vous pouvez vous impliquer ou en savoir plus sur l'approche, les activités et l'impact de chaque centre et cercle en visitant leur section et en contactant le coordinateur.

Photo of a large piece of white poster paper spread out on the floor. Three people are kneeling to paint on the paper, their upper bodies not visible. In colourful paint, messages have been written along with designs of a turtle, the medicine wheel, and abstract designs. Messages include “Indigenous excellence; Your wisdom can heal the world; You are not forgotten; Water is Life; All my relations”.
Four women stand with their arms around each others’ backs, facing the camera. They’re indoors, with a painted green and brick wall behind them. Each woman is wearing a name badge and smiling.

Comment fonctionnent les hubs

Righting Relations a construit un réseau organisé en centres régionaux et en cercles locaux qui travaillent activement ensemble pour influencer le changement. Chaque centre travaille en étroite collaboration avec une organisation d'ancrage locale et bénéficie des conseils, de la direction et du soutien opérationnel d'un conseil consultatif régional composé de membres actifs des cercles de ce centre.

Au niveau local, en se réunissant en cercle, nos membres travaillent à faciliter le changement dans leurs communautés. À ce niveau, il s'agit de se réunir pour se soutenir mutuellement, se remettre en question et renforcer nos communautés. C'est le travail actif de Righting Relations qui nous rend forts.

The Change Labs

From 2022-2024, Righting Relations hosted seven women-led, pan-national Change Labs, funded by WAGE Canada. These Change Labs aim to support educators and organizers with lived experience in designing strategies, tools, and resources for systemic change. At the end of the project, the Learning and Growth team compiled a Final Report including recommendations for implementation and impact summaries from each individual Change Lab:

The Change Lab initiative received additional funding through the WAGE Canada Scale-Up grant for 2024-2026; outputs will continue to be shared on our resources page and social media.

Photo of a small group of people gathered around a piece of flip-chart paper spread out on a table. Only their arms are visible as they write and draw on the paper. Markers rest next to large bubble letters that say “dreams”. Beneath this, text reads, “eradication of settler-colonialism”.