Food Security and Food Sovereignty Knowledge Exchange Gathering

We are excited to announce the upcoming Food Security and Food Sovereignty Knowledge Exchange Gathering in Winnipeg, MB on June 16th (in-person) and June 17th (online), 2024! This event follows a stakeholder gathering last spring where participants identified their top priorities in the food justice community. On June 16th we will hold an in person gathering at the NorWest Co-op Community Food Centre (103-61 Tyndall Ave, Winnipeg, MB), where we will open with a Pipe Ceremony. To ensure we can welcome folks from across Turtle Island, the second day of this event will be virtual and we encourage everyone to attend! REGISTER NOW and share this event with your networks!
Theme: Food Security through the life stages and from a culturally appropriate, age-appropriate, trauma-informed and emancipatory lens
Goal: Increase access to affordable and nutritious foods and enhance food security for people in Winnipeg and Manitoba
Format: The event will combine an Indigenous-led ceremony, Panel Discussions, Presentations, a Community meal, a Food Skill Demonstration, Networking, and more.
Audience: Anyone engaged or interested in food security/food sovereignty work, such as Elders and Knowledge Keepers, First Peoples, Food stakeholders across the region, Youth, Researchers, Educators, Healthcare providers, Newcomers, Government and philanthropic organizations, and anyone willing to roll up their sleeves to do the learning and unlearning!
We want to thank our wonderful partners, sponsors, and participating organizations, such as the John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights, NorWEST Co-op, Food Matters Manitoba, Farm to Cafeteria Canada, Young Agrarians, Canadian Muslim Women’s Institute, Brandon Food Council, Makoonsag Intergenerational Children’s Centre & Spirit Park Permaculture Garden, Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, Shoal Lake 40 First Nation and City of Brandon to name a few.
Our incredible list of speakers includes:
- Elder Gordon Walker (Norway House)
- Miriam Sainnawap (Indigenous Educator, Community Activist, Host of Righting Relations with Food Podcast, Masters Student & more)
- Demian Lawrenchuk (Executive Director, Food Matters Manitoba)
- Tyler Engel (Interim Food Director, NorWest Co-op Community Food Centre)
- Jesse Veenstra (Executive Director, Farm to CafeteriaI Canada)
- And more!
We would absolutely love to see YOUR NAME added to the list of special guests!
For more details and real-time updates, visit our Facebook Event Page!
REGISTER NOW and share this event with your networks!
Please note: we ask those of you attending the June 16th in-person portion of the gathering to fill out the registration link as soon as possible so we can send your dietary needs to Chef Melanie at NorWest Co-op and Community Food Centre!
Posted Under:
community, community engagement, conversation, Events, food, food security, food sovereignty, gathering, National, Western Hub