A selfie of three women seated at a wooden picnic table on an outdoor patio. In the foreground, a woman with shoulder-length brown hair and beaded earrings flashes a bright smile at the camera she is holding, while on the other side of the table, two more women lean in, both smiling. The woman on the right has long grey-brown hair and glasses; the woman on the left is wearing a black hijab and giving a peace sign to the camera.
icon of trees with a river

Central Canada Regional Hub

Learn more about the Righting Relations community in Ontario and Quebec, and their work facilitating radical social change.

About Our Hub

The Central Hub supports Circles and members in Ontario and Quebec. Guided by community and rejecting top-down ways of working, local Circles have formed in Hamilton, Toronto, Ottawa, and Montreal. By trusting in the circle method, each of these groups has developed and evolved in response to the unique needs and circumstances of its community.

A group of women gathered together for a selfie outside

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In the centre of the image, two women stand at arm’s length from each other, their arms outstretched and clasped to form a wide circle while behind them, a group of women watch. On the left of the image, another woman stands in profile, one hand covering her mouth in mock surprise while she points off camera. In the foreground, two more women kneel with their backs to the camera.

“Working/sharing/laughing/learning/sharing with joy, solidarity and compassion: This is what Righting Relations means to me.”

RR Pattern 1a

Maria Antelo, Hamilton Circle

Our Hub’s History

The Central Hub emerged in 2016 when over 50 adult educators and community organizers gathered for a day-long reflection journey in response to the desire to build a Righting Relations Hub in Ontario. From this seed, Circles emerged in Toronto, Hamilton, Ottawa, and most recently Montreal.

Working to hold space to cultivate and nourish relationships with the self and each other, each Circle responds to the unique needs of its members: reflecting on what it means to be a settler in Hamilton; forging allyship between Indigenous and newcomer communities in Toronto; building bridges for healing from racism between Black and Indigenous communities in Ottawa, and supporting Black women activists in Montreal. By trusting the circle process, each continues to decolonize, build community, and share knowledge.

Six women sitting on a wooden log in a wooded area. They are leaning together and smiling at the camera, all wearing jackets, scarves, and other cold-weather outerwear. Behind them are evergreens and tree trunks emerging from a thick layer of autumn leaves.
An illustration of a person who does not have a headshot

Meet Stephanie, the Central Hub Coordinator

Stephanie Hill is a Haudenosaunee mother, grandmother, land defender, water warrior, helper and teacher from Six Nations on the Grand River. She is Mohawk from the Turtle Clan and lives and works in Tkaranto. Stephanie has been a supporter, helper, teacher, and facilitator for over fifteen years. She has worked with Miziwe Biik, The Jean Tweed Centre, Women’s Rural Resource Centre Strathroy, and Native Child and Family Services Toronto, amongst others, and was Vice-President of the Circle of Directors for Anduhyaun Inc. Stephanie uses traditional teachings and ceremony from different nations to open up dialogue about roles and responsibilities in community.

Let’s Connect

If you are interested in getting involved with Righting Relations and you’re located in Ontario or Quebec, we’d love to hear from you! Join our National Mailing List, attend an upcoming event, or contact your nearest Circle Coordinator to find out more. If there isn’t a circle near you, please connect with the Central Hub Coordinator.